Home Archives for Branding

Red Pocket Design – Wing Fu Currency

The Chinese new year red pocket layout design for Wing Fu Currency. Simple icon with brand logo finish this final layout, thanks for client

Japanese Trading Company Identity Design – Hairaku Mirai

Japanese Traditional Sentiment Design As Hairaku is a brand specializing in gift sales, design inspiration comes from the  Japanese gift envelope “go-shu-gi-bu-ku-ro” 「ご祝儀袋」(go-shu-gi-bu-ku-ro)and the

Best Idea Solution Branding Identity Design

Inspiration and Solution This logo design is a small light bulb build in with small letters “b,i,s”. That mean “Inspiration and Solution”. The image
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Room 1302, 13/F, Hung To Industrial Building, No. 80 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon. Hong Kong